Friday, January 8, 2010

Find Your Inner Elvis!

It was a frigid New Year’s Eve 1975 at the Pontiac Silverdome in Detroit. My destiny changed that night at the young age of 15. There on the stage was the legendary King of Rock-N-Roll – Elvis Presley. When one is in the presence of greatness, the moment is surreal.

I had been to many concerts growing up in Motown, but no one affected me the way Elvis did that night. As the 2001 Space Odyssey started playing and he entered the stage, my knees began to shake. I became just like ever other person in the audience, spellbound by his magnetism.

What kind of magic did he possess that caused this kind of reaction from people? Elvis was cool to men, and irresistible to women. No other man could pull off both.

It was that very night that I too decided to become an entertainer. I wanted to affect people like him. I had been singing since I was seven – mostly Donny Osmond songs. But it was Elvis that transformed me from singer to entertainer.

Friday, January 1, 2010

About Nashville Elvis Impersonator Chuck Baril

I am originally from Motown - a native of Detroit, Michigan, and it was there on New Year’s Eve in 1975 when my destiny was set. At the Pontiac Silverdome, Elvis performed an amazing concert to an audience of 60,000 screaming fans along with one young impressionable young man who decided that night that he too would become a singer.

I began singing as a young child and has sung and recorded many styles of music over the years. Three of the songs I have written and recorded have been played on 90 radio stations in 11 states. But I came back to his first love, Elvis’ recordings, because that is what I most and do best.

Me and my beautiful wife Buffie.
Having performed over 300 shows, I have great love and respect for Elvis along with the R&B influences of growing up in Motown. As a boy, I began singing spiritual hymns in church and has continued those early influences as a faithful Christian and member of the church where Ray Walker of the Jordanaires once served as song leader.

I truly want to bring honor to the legacy of the King. My great uncle, the late Jack Kenner, was a ballroom dance instructor in Memphis and used to give Priscilla Presley dance lessons.