When I saw her for the first time
She was standing there in the ticket lineAnd it all started right then and there
Oh, a sailer’s sky made a perfect sunset
And that’s the day I’ll never forget...
But this time it was me The Nashville Elvis, and the girl wasn't in a mini-skirt, but she was in a ticket line at the Green Hills Theater in Nashville. She may have had red lipstick, but I didn't notice. But I did notice she must have been 6" tall!
The theater had hired me to perform July 29, 2010 at the one-night-only "Elvis on Tour" movie. Hundreds of Elvis fans came out that night to see the movie. Lots of ladies in their Elvis shirts and holding their Elvis purses took pictures with me before the show.
I would sing a few songs and poise for photos, and Buffie my wife was there because it was her birthday. What a great wife I have who was willing to share her birthday on a work night for me. As she was busy handing out flyers about me, I noticed she suddenly started making strange eye movements. I couldn't understand what she was trying to tell me.