Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting

I am so incredibly proud of my daughter Brittany. She has spent the past seven years earning her black belt. It took tremendous dedication and focus. This August she officially got her belt along with some other wonderful kids our family has grown to love. My boys even obtained higher belts during the Extravaganza event as they call it.

Elvis loved karate. The Army also introduced Presley to karate, which he studied seriously, later including it in his live performances. Elvis started in shotokan, earned his first black belt in chito-ryu, dabbled in tae kwon do, and than got a black belt in kenpo.

I think that is why he may have worn the jumpsuits as well. He wanted to be able to do his karate kicks in his Vegas shows.

You don't have to be Elvis to find your inner Elvis. Just have the confidence to try something new and focus your goal.

Maybe it's getting your black belt or it might just be being a great parent. I believe that is an even great accomplishment.

I was honored to sing for that event for Ernie Reyes World Martial Arts. Check out my performance along with my daughter's incredible instructor Allen Clark performing to Blue Suede Shoes.

Nashville Elvis Chuck Baril Video


Your Nashville Elvis
Chuck Baril

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